Top 25 World Heavyweight Champions with the man at number 3; “Nature Boy” Ric Flair. The number of World Heavyweight Championship reigns Flair has had is a matter of some debate with some saying it’s as many as 19-21. wwe recognizes 16. Personally I recognize 17…this is all a complicated issue not to be discussed here but will be later. He’s had 7-9 different reigns as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion for a total of 3000-3119 days. He was WCW Champion 6-8 times for a total of 501-505 reigns. He was a 2X WWF World Heavyweight Champion for a total of 118 days. So he spent something like 3700+ days as a World Heavyweight Champion. #nwa #wcw @wwe
Top 25 World Heavyweight Champions with the man at number 3; “Nature Boy” Ric Flair. The number of World Heavyweight Championship reigns Flair has had is a matter of some debate with some saying it’s as many as 19-21. wwe recognizes 16. Personally I recognize 17…this is all a complicated issue not to be discussed here but will be later. He’s had 7-9 different reigns as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion for a total of 3000-3119 days. He was WCW Champion 6-8 times for a total of 501-505 reigns. He was a 2X WWF World Heavyweight Champion for a total of 118 days. So he spent something like 3700+ days as a World Heavyweight Champion. #nwa #wcw @wwe